Improve your success rate in health
Your successful recovery from injury or a change in movement and health is determined by a variety of factors. Attending therapy with a health professional is definitely a piece of the puzzle, but this puzzle has so many pieces that open up so many avenues for your success as well as independence and accountability in your care!

75 Hard Revelations
In case you don’t follow me on social media, I’ve spent the last 75 days completing the 75 Hard Challenge. If you know me, I am not one for challenges or competition. This one resonated with me, because it offered a lot of flexibility and provided a reasoning that I couldn’t argue with. Here are 75 Hard Revelations from my 75 Hard Challenge. Check it out!

Non-exercise activity thermogenics = NEAT
These are calories burned during normal every day activities. That’s right! You burn calories from EVERYTHING: breathing, fidgeting, talking, laughing, walking, eating, moving your eye balls, and wiggling your ears. EVERYTHING!
How can knowing this impact your health journey? Check out the blog.